06 June, 2024

Enhance COR Vision Plus with Concealed Geze Drives

Sliding systems

We are introducing fully automatic drives that make opening the COR Vision Plus panels incredibly simple.

COR Vision Plus is a modern sliding system with a glass surface area reaching up to 94%. To complement such designs, an automatic drive has been developed, making life easier for all COR Vision Plus enthusiasts.

The drive features a display that allows us to program the system, precisely set the start and end points of each panel's movement, and determine the locking position. It also shows error messages.

We offer two closing scheme versions: XO and XX. The closing mechanism can be controlled via an app that operates on both Android and iOS systems.

What requirements should the sliding system itself meet? "The new solution is ideal for panels weighing between 400 and 700 kg and with maximum panel sizes,” says Michał Obrusnik, product manager for aluminum at Eko-Okna.

For those needing additional safety, an optional sensor is available, which can be mounted on the ceiling, frame, or wall.


See also

Eko-Okna S.A.
Kornice, ul. Spacerowa 4
47-480 Pietrowice Wielkie
NIP: 6391813241, KRS: 0000586067

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