Aluminium windows provide sound thermal performance, so buying them means you can significantly reduce heat loss compared to old architecture. Thus, heating costs for the house, flat or office are minimised. Modern aluminium windows allow using efficient glazing units consisting of three or even more panes of glass and warm frames, which considerably reduce the thermal transmittance of the entire structure. The aluminium window joinery and doors offered by Eko-Okna S.A. are suitable for passive construction.
Aluminium is a remarkably strong material in respect of its weight, which means that aluminium windows with relatively low weight can be very rigid and durable. This property allows slim frames where other materials would require much thicker profiles. Thus, an aluminium window can offer more glazing and more light in the interiors.
Aluminium windows are an exceptionally graceful material for designers to shape. Anyone with a taste for striking and elegant minimalism will be pleased with this choice. What is more, aluminium joinery uses decorative structures that give them an attractive colour and texture. Aluminium window profiles are frequently adapted to aesthetically collaborate with other systems of broadly understood joinery, including facade blinds so that large, aesthetically coherent designs can arise.
Aluminium profiles are the answer to the demand for more durable joinery. The metal that makes up aluminium windows has proven to be an excellent choice due to its satisfactory resistance to deformation caused by thermal and mechanical factors. Choosing an aluminium window system, you can expect a long-lasting, low-maintenance solution.
Aluminium windows are gaining ground on the market thanks to their excellent performance, durability and price adequate to the wide range of advantages they offer. It is a highly fashionable solution, which makes it an increasingly popular choice, especially for modern arrangements. Because aluminium joinery is exceptionally rigid, it allows the creation of expansive glazings, which considerably broadens the scope of their application, enabling the use of richly illuminated interior design.
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E-mail: Contact for business customers only.
Eko-Okna S.A.
Kornice, ul. Spacerowa 4
47-480 Pietrowice Wielkie
NIP: 6391813241
KRS: 0000586067
Olszyny 9
44-373 Wodzisław Śląski
Naftowa 23
47-225 Kędzierzyn-Koźle