14 February, 2023

How do sales change in the building industry?


First, the pandemic and then the political situation made it extremely difficult to make business decisions in our industry. What should we do then to reduce the risk of making a bad decision? The basis is market analysis. That is why it’s worth using various available reports, including another edition of the Eko-Okna sales-marketing report - "Evolution of B2B sales in the construction industry”.

From this article you will find answers to the following questions:

What was the e-commerce market like in 2022?

The previous year went down in history as the time of a slow return to ”normal”. It means that every one of us could choose whether to shop online or in a traditional store. It would seem that customers will give up online shopping and as before the pandemic, they will be more willing to choose stationary purchases. Reality in 2022 turned out to be different. The e-commerce market is still growing, as evidenced by the 3% increase in comparison to 2021.1

And how has the purchase process in the window and door industry changed? You will learn this from the report that you can download here.

In what direction is your market developing?

Do you know what encourages online purchases in your country? How do Internet users find out about a new brand or product offer? Or maybe you would like to know how the selection of products from our industry shaped in online searches? You can find this information in our report.

In addition, the report "Evolution of B2B sales in the construction industry" presents data for 11 European markets. Thanks to this, you can check how sales trends are developing and adjust your business activities to them depending on the selected country.

In what direction are sales heading?

From the Eko-Okna report you will learn not only forecasts for 2023. It will help you take strategic actions that will be important this year from the point of gaining a competitive advantage. Not only that, in the report you will find various solutions that will help you acquire new customers.

"According to forecasts, 2023 is the year in which hybrid sales (no-line commerce) will dominate. (...) This means that both in the online and in the traditional store, an optimized purchase process will be important in terms of its speed and simplicity.”

Where can you download our report?

The report "Evolution of B2B sales in the construction industry" is an extensive publication containing information about our business. If you want to know how your market has developed and gain a new point of view for your business, it is worth downloading. You can do it here.

1. Chamber of the Digital Economy report "Omni-commerce. I buy comfortably 2022”


See also

Eko-Okna S.A.
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