Our online platform, dedicated to distributors of door and window joinery, has undergone major changes.
In the new version of eko4u, the existing functionalities have been improved and a few new ones have been added.
New products added include:- the ability to overwrite automatically calculated prices from the application and enter your own,
- option to hide the text "eko4u" in the footer of the printout,
- new function of saving default print parameters,
- the possibility to switch from order details to delivery details view.
The improvement of functionality concerns, among others:- more accurate exchange rate calculations,
- the comment added to the selected product is delivered to the sales agent,
- improved product visualization (corrected scalability).
eko4u – a platform created for you
You are not yet using the online platform for distributors of windows, doors and fences –
eko4u? Contact us! We will help you create an account and answer your questions.