09 October, 2023

Why is being a sales advisor worth it?


There are many ways to distinguish your company from others. You can invest in modern solutions, bet on lower prices. But what do you do when you have a limited budget? Become an advisor in the sale of windows and doors. 

For sure, you have noticed that a conversation with a customer is a key element in which you have a chance to convince them of your offer. Then you have your time to present not only the offer but also your competencies and experience. During the conversation, you should use your expert knowledge and become an advisor for the customer. And that means not only a constant refresh of your product knowledge, but also monitoring the trends in the industry. 

So how do I do that without incurring costs and at a convenient time? The answer is simple. Use our industry knowledge zone – benefit4u, just like thousands of our distributors are already doing.*

Diagram. Dynamic of accounts created in benefit4u.

Source: own study.

benefit4u – 5 reasons to use it every day

In benefit4u, knowledge is most important. What distinguishes this platform from others are the various training materials and documentation, which you can use at any time for free. So what should you pay attention to?

  1. Products’ tutorial, in which you will find complex knowledge about the Eko-Okna products. Here you will learn about the advantages and get arguments "pro" using a specific system. 
  2. Profile comparison tool, thanks to which you will quickly check the differences and select the right one.  
  3. Technical catalogs with technical drawings that are ready to download.
  4. Certificates, which you might need for documentation.
  5. Webinars and videos, thanks to which you will easily familiarize yourself with knowledge about products, our apps, and novelties in the industry. 

[e-book za darmo] Knowledge about window and door joinery

Apart from expert knowledge, during a conversation with a client, you should also use other tips. Which ones? You’ll find out in the e-book that we prepared for you.
Download the e-book

*Do you cooperate with us, but don’t have access to benefit4u yet? Nothing is lost – create an account in eko4u.


See also

Eko-Okna S.A.
Kornice, ul. Spacerowa 4
47-480 Pietrowice Wielkie
NIP: 6391813241, KRS: 0000586067