Uw when Ug = 1.1
(Aluminum spacer)
Guiding Rails
The sliding doors system is recommended for energy-saving construction. Possibility to build two or three-track structures. A characteristic feature of Visoglide Plus is a very thin post.
Uw = 1.7 W/(m²K)* when using the 4 / 16Ar / 4th package – Ug = 1.1 W/(m²K), argon-filled, with an aluminum frame.
*Coefficient calculated for a door with dimensions of 4000 x 2200 mm.
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E-mail: quoteuk@ekookna.com newclientuk@ekookna.com Contact for business customers only.
Eko-Okna S.A.
Kornice, ul. Spacerowa 4
47-480 Pietrowice Wielkie
NIP: 6391813241
KRS: 0000586067
Olszyny 9
44-373 Wodzisław Śląski
Naftowa 23
47-225 Kędzierzyn-Koźle