01 August, 2021
We contributed to the 5th "Firefighters for Children – Children for Firefighters" family picnic by financing a bouncy castle for children.
The main organiser was the Volunteer Fire Brigade in Samborowice, and the whole undertaking aims to promote observance of safety rules and first aid skills.
During the picnic, Samborowice VFB firefighters arranged medical rescue demonstrations under the supervision of qualified people. They also played out a scene on how to alert the medical services. There are attractions for children as well, such as inflatables, a pool with balls, and competitions with prizes.
The income from each picnic is earmarked for equipping the Samborowice VFB unit with first-aid equipment, i.e. the purchase and retrofitting of an R1 bag, e.g. a rescue plank, Kramer splints, as well as for the purchase of training equipment: phantoms, a training AED, an expectoration waistcoat.
This year, due to the qualification of volunteers from two youth teams of girls and boys of Samborowice TSO for the national competition in Konin, the profit from the picnic was allocated to equip them with uniforms and training equipment.
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