07 February, 2025
Replacing windows is an investment. As with any investment, the justification for replacing windows should be very solid, because otherwise our money may not be spent very effectively. So let's consider when to get started, what it will give us, and how to maximize the profits from our venture.
Installing new windows should result in:
In other words, we expect better insulation, improved functionality and a general improvement of the house, expressed directly in its aesthetics, and indirectly in the value of the property.
The frequency of window replacement may even have a cultural basis, because in some parts of the world, investors assume that this type of investment should be made as best as possible and not changed for many years. In other cases, investors assume that in a few years they will refresh the appearance of their building, changing the windows at the same time.
Leaving aside the aspects of this type of preference, when should we consider that it is time from a technical point of view and we will really feel the effects of the replacement?
It is in human nature to take action only when something starts to really bother us. It is always better to prevent than to cure, but especially if it involves costs, postponing a decision is not unusual. Therefore, we most often start replacing windows when we begin to experience problems with the operation of windows on a daily basis. There are many signs that windows need replacing. The most important of these are:
Generally speaking, choosing new windows is necessary when the old windows start to malfunction or the ravages of time have damaged them to such an extent that they no longer meet our expectations.
If during rain water flows down the inner window sill, during frost frost appears on the windows or the windows do not close, the decision to replace is obvious. Most often, however, we will have to decide whether windows that are still theoretically working are an acceptable option for our family or business. On the one hand, the expense of the windows and their installation will be daunting. On the other hand, the benefits of having new windows are encouraging.
By far the most common reason for replacing windows is the desire to improve the thermal performance of homes. Tracing the history of windows from ancient times, one can see how great a technological challenge it was to place them in walls in such a way that they did not weaken the structure and did not cause the interior to cool down. Modern windows, which let in plenty of light and insulate well thermally, are an achievement of only the last few decades.
Older windows often had a thermal transmittance of Uw = 2.0 W/m²K or higher. Nowadays, the use of such windows may even be contrary to building regulations. If we have old windows with such parameters, with one pane or at most two panes separated by a chamber filled with ordinary air instead of a noble gas, replacing the windows has the potential to bring about a considerable revolution. Both for the heating bill and for the thermal comfort of the household members.
What's more, good thermal insulation is usually accompanied by improved acoustic insulation. Without excessive effort, an Rw parameter of 35 dB can be achieved today, so that the noise of a typical road or children playing in the distance will only be a barely audible hum. If necessary, the damping can be much more effective or can focus more strongly on specific frequencies characteristic of a given neighbourhood.
New energy-efficient windows are not only warm, but even in the case of cheap proposals, they will have functionality that older designs could not dream of.
New windows are equipped with solutions that promote easier access to fresh air without having to open the window itself, which would involve cooling the room and require additional attention from the household members. Modern windows can independently improve air quality:
When choosing new windows, we can reach for a lot of solutions in the field of ventilation, for which we often do not even have to pay extra. For example, the tilt of the window is offered by tilt and turn fittings, which can now be considered the standard in residential development.
Microventilation (slight unsealing of the window by means of an intermediate position of the handle) is already a common standard, and even the possibility of easily changing the contact pressure between the profiles and seals (so-called summer mode and winter mode). All this is offered by high-class, not at all expensive fittings.
Ventilators are already additional elements, rather not found as part of the standard equipment. It is worth reaching for them in buildings after insulation, where gravitational ventilation is used. The presence of ventilators improves air circulation, improving its quality in interiors and protecting against moisture. Ventilators can be integrated with the window at the stage of joinery production or added to them later.
Ventilation is the most basic functionality. In addition to it, choosing the right windows can offer a lot of other things:
These are of course just examples. Each window manufacturer has many extras up their sleeve that can offer more possibilities.
Nothing is forever. Even fully compliant with the rules of the art, conscientious maintenance of windows will not make them stay with us forever. After a certain time, windows should be replaced with the new ones. What time is it? It depends on many factors.
The windows currently available on the market are:
These are the most popular proposals. Besides them, there are also various variations, e.g.:
and quite a few others of lesser importance.
Modern solutions are characterized by a very long lifespan and if the windows have been installed correctly, you can count on at least several years of impeccable functionality regardless of the material. However, it didn't look so good in the past.
Window replacement should primarily affect old wooden windows, those from before the popularisation of PVC windows. Their parameters were insufficient at the time of production, and the low quality of the raw material combined with inadequate protection had to cause serious degradation over time.
People who bought aluminium or plastic windows a decade or two ago are in a better situation. However, in their case, too, replacement needs to be considered. New PVC windows produced around the year 2000 were often not resistant to UV rays, and the surface of their profiles was delicate, making it increasingly rough.
Owners of older aluminium and steel windows are in a better situation, although the paints from that period were very susceptible to light. If the windows were installed on a south-facing wall, little of their original colour probably remains.
Another issue is the seals. Traditional rubber, if not meticulously maintained, begins to crack after just a few years. The tightness of such windows leaves much to be desired and they need to be replaced.
Our investment in new windows will be the better the longer they last. If, on the other hand, the current windows still seem good to us, it is worth staying with them longer, making sure that their condition does not deteriorate. We can do a lot. The following are important:
We are dealing here with factors related to the installation and operation of windows.
Windows will last longer if they are well matched to the tasks they will face. For example, if we have wooden windows on a wall that is constantly battered by rain and wind, fitting aluminium frames on them will improve their durability.
Dimensions matter. Large windows, in order not to deform, must have appropriate static parameters. Choosing less stable systems to create large glazing can lead to their rapid degradation and loss of basic thermal and acoustic parameters.
For overall satisfaction with the windows, warm installation is important, which you can read about here. Its task is to reduce the risk of thermal bridges and damage to the insulation layer. This is not a new solution, but it has only recently become widespread.
Incorrect installation, understood as errors in workmanship, is a separate issue. Correct installation is a prerequisite for obtaining the performance parameters promised by the manufacturer and maintaining full durability.
Modern windows, with the exception of wooden windows, do not require any special maintenance. Regular cleaning is sufficient.
However, attention should be paid to seals and fittings. Seals should be lubricated with special agents, preferably twice a year. Fittings, in turn, should be lubricated at least once a year. Both of these activities should be carried out after thoroughly cleaning the elements beforehand.
The way windows are used is also important. Their mechanical damage, the effects of hanging on them, improper closing, incorrect opening and generally usage other than intended are primarily visible in their durability.
To sum up our answer to the question of when to replace windows: when we feel we need to. This impression can be evoked in us primarily by high heating bills, clearly higher than bills in similar houses and flats. Any imperfections in the windows, such as damaged seals or leaks, are also good clues. Finally, we may simply want new, better and nicer windows.
Finally, let's answer some of the most frequently asked questions:
The cost of replacing windows depends on many factors. Most often, you have to add the cost of construction services and window disposal. Replacing windows requires a lot of work. The basic expense, however, is the windows themselves, which cost several hundred zlotys per square metre for average products suitable for a residential block.
New windows for a house generate the same types of costs as windows in a flat. However, the total cost will change, as houses usually need more windows. It should also be borne in mind that in detached houses, proportionally much more heat can escape through the windows than is the case in multi-family buildings. As a result, achieving the desired effect may require investment in warmer and therefore more expensive windows. Moreover, a lot depends on the chosen colours and extras - the more unusual the options, the worse for the budget.
Replacing windows in historic buildings must always be considered on an individual basis. A large time margin should also be assumed in such projects - a special permit to replace the windows issued by the conservator of monuments is required.
The process of replacing windows almost always has to be supervised by professionals, and you can be almost certain that new PVC windows will not be an option. Usually, you have to choose solutions appropriate for the building and its architectural style.
The recommended period is early spring, but especially for small projects, it can be done practically all year round. However, for convenience, it is better to choose months that are reasonably warm and preferably dry, especially if roof windows are involved. It is also a very good idea to replace windows during a renovation, not necessarily a major one.
There is no single answer here. The warranty on windows is usually 5-7 years. After this time, it is worth having them inspected more closely. The time to first think about replacing windows is after 10-15 years, although leaky windows should be replaced much sooner - as soon as the fault is identified, if it cannot be repaired.
Old windows require proper disposal. If professional window replacement is carried out by a specialist company, it will be possible to commission the builders to do this for a small fee. If we prefer to do it ourselves, each city has its own waste collection point, which residents can use free of charge, organising transport themselves.
Yes. In the case of detached houses, we do not even have to report this fact anywhere. People living in cooperatives or housing communities must agree on the replacement resulting from the internal procedures. It should also be remembered that the regulations apply regardless of who carries out the replacement. This is primarily about the thermal parameters of the windows and their external appearance.
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