18 November, 2020

Market leader in the segment of plastic windows


A distinction for our company during the Polish Woodwork Forum 2020.

The Polish Woodwork Forum is one of the most important industry events in the country. This year, due to the epidemiological situation, it was held online. The participants listened to a series of presentations grouped into thematic blocks. The subject of the talks was primarily e-commerce, marketing, green order and an active house.

During three days, inspiring solutions from the world of woodwork were presented, and all presentations were crowned with the Joinery Leaders Gala 2020.

For the third time, the Eko-Okna company was awarded the certificate of the leader in the plastic window segment. This is an important distinction, because the Gala of Woodwork Leaders is preceded each year by meticulous market research, which is carried out by the Industry Analysis Center. It is therefore supported by actual sales results.


See also

Eko-Okna S.A.
Kornice, ul. Spacerowa 4
47-480 Pietrowice Wielkie
NIP: 6391813241
KRS: 0000586067

Olszyny 9
44-373 Wodzisław Śląski

Naftowa 23
47-225 Kędzierzyn-Koźle