A home should be an oasis of peace, good energy, and relaxation. It should be cosy – although this can mean something different for everyone. It should make you feel safe and secure. However, something more down-to-earth also affects the health and well-being of the household. It is the temperature. How warm should your home be?
Perception of ambient temperature is a subjective matter. Among other things, it depends on age and gender, but also on diet and lifestyle. Therefore, while some at 20 degrees will freeze, others will eagerly reach for the box of ice cream hidden in the refrigerator. Moreover, the temperature should be varied depending on the room's function. A poorly chosen one can cause a bad mood, loss of concentration, headaches, insomnia, and even upper respiratory tract infections. How to avoid all of these?
Newborns, infants, and elders feel best at a slightly higher temperature. However, you should not go too high to avoid overheating the body and causing sleep disorders. The optimal temperature is 21°C, one or two degrees less during nighttime. Older children and adults feel best at a temperature between 18 and 22°C. This range is called room temperature.
So what should be the temperature in each room?
In the living room, where we relax but where we also work and spend time with others, it is recommended that the temperature be around 20°C. Both cold-haters and cold-lovers should have a chance to feel comfortable with this choice.
The temperature in the kitchen and dining room should be slightly lower, around 19°C, counteracting the heat generated during cooking and emanating from the food served on the table. It is more pleasant to eat at a lower temperature.
The bedroom should be around 16-18°C to ensure a comfortable sleep. A lower temperature is conducive to improving sleep quality and ensuring that we wake up rested. Too high a temperature in the bedroom can cause the body to focus on fighting overheating instead of calming down, causing insomnia. In contrast, about 24°C should be in the bathroom and in the room where you bathe your newborn. Not only will it allow you to relax and unwind after a hard day, but it will also provide a delightfully pleasant sensation on cold winter mornings.
To maintain such a pleasant microclimate in the house, however, it is worth investing in good quality energy-efficient wooden windows, aluminium windows, or PVC windows. They have a tangible impact on heat loss and the cost of heating the real estate. (more:
Energy-efficient windows, which one to choose?).
You should also remember (also in winter) to properly and regularly ventilate the room and use ventilators and micro-ventilation. You can remotely control windows and facade blinds using the All in One Control smart home system.
Do you want to improve the thermal comfort in your home? Are you wondering which window system to choose? Contact us and consult our specialists, who will answer your questions and help you choose.